is a specialized API service that helps businesses and websites protect themselves against fraud, spam, and attacks by providing detailed network information on IP addresses. Our advanced algorithms are able to accurately identify whether an IP is being used as a proxy, TOR node, or VPN, allowing our clients to make informed decisions and safeguard their online assets. is committed to helping organizations across the web maintain the integrity and security of their operations.
Yes, it is possible to have multiple plans. This can be useful if you have different projects or if you want to take advantage of different features or discounts offered by different plans.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription renewal anytime, please note that your subscription will remain active until the end period.
Based on our personal and third-party tests we've scored between a 95% to 98% accuracy rate on detecting VPNs. One major strategy that we use in order to achieve a high success rate is our subscriptions to several VPN providers. With VPN providers constantly swapping out fresh IP addresses, our system connects to hundreds of VPN servers every day in order to validate IP addresses that belong to VPNs. Another major strategy that we use is constantly collecting data from across the internet. From obtaining databases from major providers to working closely with ISPs, we try to obtain the most accurate data to ensure our high accuracy rate.
To get your API key you can simply go to your subscriptions and click on subscription details.
You can contact us via email at [email protected] or using the contact form.
We use Paddle for subscription handling, they support most credit cards, PayPal, as well as some regional payment methods if available. if you want to use another payment method please contact us at [email protected] or using the contact form.
Yes, but due to data saturation we don't recommend caching for more than 24 hours. Critical applications should cache for a maximum duration of 1 hour.